Friday, April 1, 2011

Class Gallery #2 (Corpse Poems & Calligrammes)

Annmarie Avarello -- Calligramme

Enga Billinghurst & Daughter -- Calligramme

Annmarie Avarello, Enga Billinghurst, Lauren Boyce, & Terry Ann John -- Exquisite Corpse Poem
Shirley Cai, Dara Fein, Nicola James, & David Tubbs -- Corpse Poem
Amy Wong -- Calligramme


  1. "The rain was so heavy and exquisite it blurred my purpose, if I had one." It's always interesting how the rain is used over and over to express depressing feelings about lost love. It's gray, it's cold, it's damp, an uncomfortable feeling that can only be attributed to a loss of love, a lack of happiness or more literally, a lack of sunshine. But of course, as the poem shows, we always want things to go back the way they used to. We long for the beautiful past and constantly wish we had made a right instead of a left.
    "The fire had been put out even though I told them to leave it alone..." Of course, that sense of hope never dies but eventually, everyone realizes it truly is over.
