Without further ado (and with a slapdash title), our class movie:
Check out the portfolio assignment after the jump:
Portfolio Assignment #12
Brakhage in his book, Metaphors on Vision, writes of "an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic." I don't think that it's too much of a stretch to say that the film that we've put together is not necessarily prejudiced by traditional methods of composition. As a collaborative montage, the frames are disparate; though, there is a sense of spiraling movement, shapes repeat, drifting in and out, and vague sense of composition that seems chanced upon.
But, the jury is still out. What exactly have we made? What is this thing? Is it an exercise? Is it art? Is it garbage? Is it art-garbage? Is it garbage-art?
How do we evaluate? How do we go about making an educated criticism? What do we look to in order to determine what is necessary for the success of work of art?
For this portfolio, write a short 2-3 page criticism of the film that details the difficulties and the merits of the process and opines whether or not the film is successful, taking into account -- and bringing into your discussion -- what may constitute a successful work of art via the films and poems that we've read so far this semester.
Due: 5/6
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