Monday, February 28, 2011

Frank O'hara

"Kerouac: You're ruining American poetry, O'Hara.
O'Hara: That's more than you ever did for it, Kerouac"
— Frank O'Hara

Friday, February 25, 2011

Rudy Burckhardt's "Money" and "The Climate of New York" and Portfolio Opportunity #6

Rudy Burckhardt, Coca-Cola Goddess. 1947 gelatin-silver print, 8¼ x 9½ inches.Copyright: Estate of Rudy Burckhardt, courtesy Tibor de Nagy Gallery, New York

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Portfolio Opportunity #5: Exquisite Corpse

Joan Miró, Max Morise, Man Ray, and Yves Tanguy (1927)

Portfolio Opportunity #5: Write an Exquisite Corpse Poem with Your Group

(Note: Your groups should be solidified by class on Friday.)

Portfilio Opportunity #4 & Notes on 2/18: Image, Metaphor, and Symbol

from Calligrammes, Guillaume Apollinaire